To be successful, a mushroom farm must deliver quality produce to its customers.
Mushroom pickers are trained to take the mature mushrooms, and to discard spotted and diseased mushrooms and wet mushrooms. They are paid a piece rate per box, The payment is higher for boxes of A-grade mushrooms than B-grade mushrooms.
Two pickers, husband and wife, decided to take short cuts. They filled their boxes half way with "rubbish mushrooms" and topped the boxes with A-grade mushrooms. The employer did not have the ability to check each box, and so they were sold to the customer as A-grade mushrooms.
The customer re-packaged the mushrooms into trays for sale, and discovered the "rubbish mushrooms". They returned the boxes on three separate occasions, and asked for a refund as they had paid for A-grade mushrooms. Each time, the boxes returned had the picker numbers of the husband and wife. Each time, the husband and wife were given a warning.
The customer was a large customer, and on the third time, they sent a letter to advise they would cease business if this happened again. This was the trigger which led to the pickers being dismissed, not with notice, but summarily (on-the-spot).