
Safety Precautions are used to protect operators against liability for injury or death

  • Under the Civil Liability Law in Australia, a person is in breach of their Duty of Care if they –
    fail to take precautions against a risk of harm which is foreseeable and significant which a reasonable person would take.
  • What safety precautions can be taken by venues, event promoters, activity providers, boat and tour operators?
    • (1) Warning signs – prominent, preferably with icons
    • (2) Terms and Conditions
    • (3) Supervision - security, surveillance, CCTV monitoring
    • (4) Keeping Premises Safe - mopping wet floors, stairs with handrails, good lighting, fire safety compliance
    • (5) Barriers which prevent access to unsafe areas
    • (6) Audio warnings inside a venue, vessel or a briefing before the activity commences
  • Public Authorities, building owners and venue operators must have a safety management plan.
  • Greater precautions and liability waivers are necessary for dangerous recreational activities such as hot air ballooning, joy flights, parachuting, scuba diving, horse riding, motor cycling, boating, rides at theme parks.

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